Finding Peace In A Stressful World

Living in the midst of an ever failing global economy, one can't help but to feel stressed out and uneasy. Living in a world of uncertainty brings forth much unrest and many people are searching for peace and tranquility to get through a rough day and/or week. I've discovered that the following methods helps me to relieve stress and to obtain joy and peace:

1. Prayer/Meditation/Attending Church
2. Spousal Intimacy
3. Soaking in a warm bath for about 20 minutes with a glass of wine
4. Going for a 30 minute walk in a large park while watching nature
5. Journaling
6. Dancing
7. Listening to smooth jazz or light classical music

What do you do to create peace in your life? I welcome your suggestions.

1 comment:

Ms. Latina said...

Wonderful ideas! I tend to have music playing in the background. It always soothes the savage beast in me :)